54th Moreton Games
At The White Hart Pub, Bridge Road, Moreton, Essex CM5 0LF
Sunday, 26 December 2021 from 10:30am - 5pm
We can not wait our favourite & biggest event of the year!!! This year will be the 54th year since it all began. Having missed last year we are super excited for this year to be happening.
Once again on Boxing Day, the beautiful Essex village of Moreton welcomes all of you to its traditional and somewhat unconventional games.
This year we warmly welcome new challengers to the Moreton Games The Dog & Pickle.
We complete head to head in the Games’ in both a fun race which runs through the village and a tug-of-war across the Cripsey Brook. The long running village tradition is fun for all the family to watch.
Can they challenge the White hart for the cup! The White Hart seven-years-in-a-row winners.
The Games will start from around 11.30 with the White hart open to welcome the crowds which are usually in their hundreds. Street food will be available at The White Hart along with hot drinks should you need something to warm you up!! With bars outside serving alcoholic beverages.
This is truly a wonderful day for all the family, so make sure you’re wrapped up and have your wellies at the ready to join in this 54 year tradition.