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Abridge Country Walk
The Abridge Country Walk is approximately 3 miles around the ancient woodlands of Lambourne. Alternatively there is a longer walk which encompasses Hainault Forest. This route can be found in the Lambourne Country Walk leaflet.
The footpaths are in good condition but these may become muddy after wet weather. Sturdy footwear is advised. There is a small amount of road walking involved along main roads, please be aware of traffic and take care whilst walking on the road. As you walk please follow the Country Code. Keep dogs on a lead near livestock, and keep to the footpath when walking across privately owned land.
There is roadside parking on New Farm Drive, RM4 1BS
More details and a map are contained in the downloadable leaflet.
For any footpath queries please contact Essex County Council on 08457 430 430.
Find out more about Abridge here.